Implementing An Online Casino Bonus


By now, most people are conversant with the concept on the online casino bonus. But for the benefit of the few who may be encountering the concept for the very first time, we will venture to introduce it briefly, before proceeding to describe how it is implemented. An understanding of how the bonus is implemented would then help one to be, at the very least, more appreciative of it.

Now by way of introduction, what can be said about the online casino bonus is that it is 'free money (other than winnings), akin to the discounts given by retailers, that online casinos offer to their members, in a bid to attract and retain the members.' Usually, the money is availed to the members of the online casinos, in order for the members to purchase more bets (from the same casino), and hence increase their chances of winning bigger amounts of money. There are also some casinos that give their members bonuses on winnings - so that if you win such and such a prize amount, they top it up with a bonus. But for the most part, the bonus will tend to be on the 'betting money' rather than on the 'prize money.'

There are several ways through which an online casino bonus can be implemented. The first of those -and this seems to be the most popular - is where members are informed by the casino management that upon them depositing a certain amount of money into their online gaming accounts, they will have a certain amount of money instantly added by the casino to that. Normally, the bonus amount will tend to be quite something of a modest figure. Most casinos put it at between 5% and 10% of the deposited amount. So the typical arrangement is where, for every so many dollars a patron deposits into his playing account, the casino will top up with a certain (usually small) percentage. You deposit some 90 dollars under this arrangement, and the balance reads 99 - meaning that the casino has given you a 10% bonus, which works out to 9 dollars for a deposit of 90.

Technically, this is simply about tweaking the part of the code for the program that oversees balance updates, so that upon certain conditions being met, it will not be updating with the exact amount added to the account, but with that amount plus the bonus amount.

Implementation of the online casino bonus can be a tricky affair on the financial/legal side - which is why most casinos opt to put a limit to the amount of money for which the bonus is applicable. So the arrangement will tend to be that the casino gives a bonus of 5 to 10 percent for deposits up to, say $1,000 - after which the bonus stops to apply. Many of us imagine that offering the bonuses is an easy thing on the casinos' part, but the truth of the matter is that the casino bonus is effectively free money that the casino gives you, in pretty much the same way a discount is expensive to offer for a retailer (which is why they are offered sparingly).

Where the online casino bonus is offered on winnings, the same logistics apply - where on a technical level, it is the code for updating winnings that is tweaked, so that upon a patron winning a given sum of money, the account is not updated with the won amount alone, but rather, the won amount plus the bonus. Here too, we tend to see limits being put, so that for winnings that exceed a certain amount, the bonus doesn't apply. But this arrangement is rare. As mentioned earlier, the commonest implementation is where the bonus is applied on monies uploaded into the playing accounts for playing (buying bets) purposes.

Gambling Blogs

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.